Koleksi slab marmer - 800 x 1600 mm - ukiran pabrik - RosaliaI | Rollza Granito
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Koleksi slab marmer - 800 x 1600 mm - Ngukir ngukir - RosaliaI

800 x 1600 mm Polish Carving marble tile slab
  • Rinci bungkusan
  • Inquirina Produk
  • Kalkulator ubin
  • Spesif téh téknis.
  • Nominal CM Thickness MM PCS/Box Sq Mt/Box Wight/Box(KG) Box Pallet SQM/ Pallet Pallet Weight
    120*120 9 2 2.87 60.33 10 28.7 603.3
    80*160 9 2 2.56 53.56 17 43.52 910.52
    60*120 9 2 1.43 30.00 34 48.72 1020.00
  • 350 Character(s) Remaining

  • Get Tiles Estimation

    Box Calculation


    Estimation Of Tiles

    Sq. M Sq. Ft

    This may vary on basis of your actual need.
    This is only approx calculation.

    X ft

    Y ft


    • Length and Width Dimensions are in feet.
    • 1 Feet = 0.3048 Meter
    • 1 Meter = 3.28084 Feet

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